
Flutter MENA Online Conference (Arabic)

🌐 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM (GMT+:3) : Learn about "Features and Limitations of Flutter Web" in Arabic with Mouaz Al-Shahmeh 🎤

Flutter Web Pros & Cons (GDSC AOU-Riyadh)

GDSC AOU-Riyadh offers you a Flutter Web Pros & Cons Course, under the supervision of Engineer / Mouaz Muhammad Al-Shahmeh, a software engineer and developer. 🎤

Digital Technology Forum

VIP guest of honor. 🎤

Riyadh International Book Fair
(28-09-2023) - (07-10-2023)

Participate by "Flutter Apps Development 2E" book with "Print Bookstore" and "Deffa Store" at pavilion B32 and C49. 🎤

Google Cloud Next ’22: Developer Hub Riyadh

VIP guest of honor. 🎤

Mobile Apps Development by Flutter Technology - MCIT

Ministry of CIT offers you a mobile application development course using Flutter technologies, under the supervision of Engineer / Mouaz Muhammad Al-Shahmeh, a software engineer and developer. 🎤

DevFest Saudi Arabia

VIP guest of honor. 🎤

Mobile Apps Development by Flutter Technology - GCDCSaudi

Google CDC - Saudi Arabia platform offers you a mobile application development course using Flutter technologies, under the supervision of Engineer / Mouaz Muhammad Al-Shahmeh, a software engineer and developer. 🎤

Mobile Apps Development by Flutter Technology - Udemy

The electronic Udemy platform offers you a mobile application development course using Flutter technologies, under the supervision of Engineer / Mouaz Muhammad Al-Shahmeh, a software engineer and developer. 🎤

Mobile Apps Development by Flutter Technology - Tadarab

The electronic Tadarab platform offers you a mobile application development course using Flutter technologies, under the supervision of Engineer / Mouaz Muhammad Al-Shahmeh, a software engineer and developer. 🎤

Developed & Designed with πŸ’™ by Eng. Mouaz M. Al-Shahmeh
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